Persische Mittags-Anzeiger (noon marker)
Die Mittags-Anzeiger (noon marker) - auf Persisch "SHAKHES-E ZOHR" genannt - bei den Eingängen zu Moscheen, sind faszinierende kleine Gebilde! Es sind minimalistisch realisierte „Sonnenuhren" von edler Einfalt und stiller Größe. Ich meine dies bei Gott nicht ironisch, sondern im wahren, ursprünglichen Bedeutungs-Wortsinn!
Wann ich zuerst auf sie gestoßen bin weiß ich nicht mehr so genau. Es war wohl diese sehr verschwommene Ansicht bei einer Quelle aus dem Internet:
Auch hat mich Gianni Ferrari sehr liebenswürdig bei der Recherche unterstützt und mir seinen Fund aus dem Internet übermittelt:
Man sieht also am Eingang zur Moschee einen schlichten Dreiecksblock am Boden und wenn die Sonne genau im Süden steht, wird von der Kante der Hypotenuse kein Schatten mehr geworfen:
Es ist wahrer Mittag! ... und damit auch bald Zeit zum Mittagsgebet "zuhr"!
Doch über die Anfangs-Funde im Internet hinweg half mir dann Mohammad Bagheri, der mir eigens Farbfotos aus seiner Sammlung aus Teheran zuschickte, die ich dann abscannen konnte.
© Mohammad Bagheri
© Narges Assarzadegan
© Kenneth Browne
Schauen Sie sich nun H I E R diese faszinierende Geschichte von Keneth Brown in der nachfolgenden PDF-Datei an!
Kenneth Browne, LIFE LINE I, Bazaar route: Friday Mosque to the Maidan
Ganz herzlichen Dank an: The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Arts of Persia, by H. Kevorkian
Ich kann hier mit großer Freude eine wirkliche Rarität von der Freitagsmoschee in Isfahan zeigen! Herr Sajjad Nikfahm hat das Foto dankenswerterweise für mich gescannt und mir über Herrn Bagheri zugeschickt, der erläuternd dazu schreibt:
"This photo has never been published and I am glad to provide you with this original material. Some years ago, a local person showed and explained it to me and Mr. Claudio Cecotti (Udine, Italy). I have checked and found it correct. I have been busy with other works, and thanks to you now more people will be aware of this very interesting piece of gnomonics."
Mohammad Bagheri erläutert zu diesem Foto:
You see a wall of the Friday mosque of Isfahan. On the right part a balcony is seen. On the edge of the balcony (near the middle of the photo) you see two small blue vertical signs (small rectangles).
On the left of the middle of the photo the vertical edge of a narrow brick wall is seen. When the shadow of this vertical edge reaches the first blue sign (the left sign), it is true noon and prayer time.
Some time later when the sun has apparently moved an angle whose tangent is one-seventh, the shadow of the vertical edge reaches the next blue sign (on the right) and this indicates the time of noon prayer in another Islamic discipline.
Zu diesem einen Siebtel, worüber ich mehr wissen wollte - wie es dazu kam, ob da vielleicht eine Zahlensymbolik dahintersteckt - etwa mit der Sieben, wie sie beispielsweise beim siebenmaligen Umrunden der Kaaba durch die Gläubigen zum Ausdruck kommt, befragte ich nun via Internet den großen italienischen Gnomonisten Gianni Ferrari, von dem ich ein Buch über islamische Sonnenuhren besitze: „APPUNTI PER UNO STUDIO DELLE MERIDIANE ISLAMICHE". Er schreibt seit geraumer Zeit an einem neuen Opus Magnum zu eben diesem Thema.
Gianni Ferrari antwortete mir dies:
"Your question is hard enough ! In my "opera magna" I have written 18 pages only on the times of the Islam prayers.
Muhammad has been enough obscure and for this reason, since the first century of the Islamic Era, there were a lot of different interpretations. In the years 700-900 the different schools adopted different systems that are followed also today and that have been modified slightly in different countries. I attach what Al-Biruni (1000 a. C.) has written and what I have written on the time of the Zhur. The text is in Italian. Salam Gianni"
AL-BIRUNI - The complete book of shadows
25' capitolo - 160:8- 163:19
Gli istanti per la recita delle preghiere secondo l'opinione degli Imam
Rufen Sie HIER bitte den Text als PDF-Datei auf!
L'istante della preghiera Zuhr o Dhuhr (ظهر)
Il periodo in cui deve essere recitata la preghiera Zuhr inizia immediatamente dopo il mezzogiorno quando il Sole è entrato nella fase detta di Zawaal, cioè quando, passato il suo culmine, i sui bordi hanno superato il meridiano e il suo corso in cielo inizia a declinare[1].
Den vollständigen Text können Sie HIER als PDF-Datei abrufen!
Die Lage des SHAKHES-E ZOHR (roter Pfeil) an der Freitagsmoschee von Isfahan
If one is interested in sundials one also has the chance to get to know a lot about the surrounding culture. This is what always interested me. Love and culture are very essential for our life, but the culture-skin is very thin - as we all know. This means: We have to treat the cultural world with great sensitivity.
© Narges Assarzadegan
The first essential step is to get to know about culture, to have an open mind for it. The pictures of the mosques and buildings and objects I have included to this link are not at all meant for a decoration reason! The surrounding culture is the essence which influences also these noon markers.
© Narges Assarzadegan © Narges Assarzadegan
I am very grateful to Mrs. Narges Assarzadegan from Isfahan, who has kindly shared her interesting article "Deviding and Composing the Squares" with me, which I would like to add to my "SHAKHES-E ZOHR"- story with great pleasure. And if you read it you will see the very close connection with the noon marker of Friday mosque of Isfahan!
© Narges Assarzadegan © Narges Assarzadegan
Geometrical/ artful patterns are valuable in visualization and understanding geometrical/ mathematical concepts. In this article, I explain some patterns and methods of dividing and composing squares, based on Abu'l- Wafa Buzdjani's book (4th Hejira/ AD 10th century). In addition, I applied activities as a workshop format in high school geometry classroom. Participants were 14 students grade 11 at a High school in Isfahan. They cut and assembled squares by scissor and painted them. Then they found some applied patterns in geometrical based tiling in Islamic constructions in Isfahan. Finally, they presented their works in power point format to others. Notation to such patterns and arts helped them to better understanding geometrical concepts such as rotation, symmetry, reflection, transformation, mapping, translation and dilation.
© Narges Assarzadegan
HERE the document "Deviding and Composing the Squares" from Mrs. Narges Assarzadegan is available in a PDF-file!
And Narges Assarzadegan has created a new Maths-blog:
Der Mittags-Anzeiger in den Chahār Bāgh (Vier Gärten), einer religiösen Schule in Isfahan, wurde im Jahr 1932 von Seyed Jalāl Tehrani erbaut.
"Chahār Bāgh school is a 16-17th century cultural complex in Isfahan, Iran. The compound was built during Soltan Hossein, a Safavid king, to serve as a theological and clerical school to train those who were interested in such sciences. In order to finance the school, Soltan Hossein's mother had a large caravansary built nearby, the income of which went to the Foundation.
The monumental portal from the main avenue of Shah Abbas leads directly into a domed octagonal vestibule. The dome and the greater part of the walls are covered in bright yellow bricks which give a feeling of lightness. The entrance gate decorated with gold facade and silver, and the tile-works inside the building are masterpieces of fine art and industry. The central court, with its pool and garden, are surrounded by arcades on two levels, each giving access to a student's room."
Quelle und Copyright:
© Mohammad Bagheri
"The writing on the cube is in Persian and it contains an account of the trip to Isfahan by Seyyed Jalal Tehrani who built the stone (he was ambassador of Iran in Belgium and also worked in Brussels observatory). I will send the text to you later." M. B.
Mohammad Bagheri schrieb mir: "My colleague in Isfahan, Mrs. Narges Assarzadegan (a mathematics teacher, also active in history and popularization of mathematics) has been helpful in preparing photos and the text of Tehrani stone." Ich danke Frau Assarzadegan sehr herzlich für Ihre sehr liebenswürdige Unterstützung meines Projekts!
Es ist mir ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen, hier ein wirklich wunderbares Foto von Herrn Tehrani zeigen zu dürfen, das durch die sehr freundliche Unterstützung von Herrn Sajjad Nikfahm auf Bitten und Veranlassung durch Herrn Mohammad Bagheri zu mir gelangt ist.
Die Aufnahme zeigt Herrn Seyyed Jalal Tehrani bei den Vorbereitungen zur Beobachtung einer Sonnenfinsternis!
"Mr. Tehrani is most possibly watching the eclipse in Mashhad." M. B.
On the southern face:
"On Sunday 29th Jamadi al-Akhera of 1351 A.H. Lunar and 7 Scorpion and 8 Aban 1311 A.H. Solar, this stone was fixed in Chahar-Bagh school for determining the true noon, as a record from the Isfahan trip by me - Seyyed Jalal al-Din al-Hussayni al-Tehrani. When the shadow on the western face vanishes, it is the true noon. [This was done] in the time of custodianship of Mr. Aqa Mustafa Modarres, son of the late Seyyed Abd al-Husayn Seyyed al-Araqayn. The [geographical] longitude of Isfahan [is] 51 degrees and 35 minutes ..."
On the eastern face:
... east of Greenwich and its [geographical] latitude is 32 degrees and 45 minutes north of the equator. The deviation of Qibla from south towards west is 45 degrees and 11 minutes. The geographical south is 4 degrees and 54 minutes in south-east of the magnetic south [shown by] the compass. The altitude of Isfahan from the level of ocean is between 1475 and 1520 meters. Due to refraction of light, the days of the year are 3 to 7 minutes longer than true days."
The size of the stone is 46*57*75 cm. The students of the school say that the stone was a little in front of its present location and a little declined from its original direction. I think the stone should have made an angle of about 45 degrees with the wall behind it, because the wall should be parallel to or perpendicular to the direction of Qibla (the direction to Mecca).
(By Mohammad Bagheri, Tehran)
I didn't understand the situation of the eastern face of this cube and discussed it with the Italian Gnomonist Gianni Ferrari from Modena via internet. He made a nice sketch and sent it to me. Then I shared this possible "solution" with Mohammad Bagheri. And he sent a very charming answer together with two carefully performed drawings by Sajjad Nikfahm to me:
Dear Reinhold, As you see in the attachment, I have also the same idea about the position of the stone (like G. Ferrari). The story is like the star sundial in the museum of your city which was wrongly changed. Mohammad
With this last sentence Mohammad Bagheri refers to a star sundial of Theophilus Wilhelm Frese (1692-1763), which he had seen in the Garden of Focke Museum in Bremen together with me. I had told him about the funny story that this sundial was once fixed in a wrong way and after I had told the museum about this fact it was turned around. I had been there when a stone mason did this work. Dieter Vornholz, who had done the re-calculations for all the outdoor sundials of the museum, had written a nice story about a funny Japanese connection within this sundial twisting- story: "Die Sternsonnenuhr des Bildhauers Frese". Later the museum had turned the sundial again into the wrong position when they arranged an outdoor boat exhibition - however they ignored my written remark about their second mistake and preferred to keep this sundial in the wrong position! This fact of ignorance still appears very strange to me! I have reported the whole story nicely in my link "Sonnenuhren aus Nah und Fern" >> Bremen
Am 26. April 2009 erhielt ich eine Korrektur der vorangegangenen Aussage zur Position des Mittags-Anzeigers. Demnach ist die dahinterliegende Wand genau in Ost-West-Richtung gebaut und somit der Stein richtig davor positioniert. Dies sei eine ausgesprochene Ausnahme gegenüber der Ausrichtung von reinen Moscheebauten, erklärte ein Architektursachverständiger aus Isfahan ergänzend. Der Gebetsraum ist in die Chahār Bāgh Schule integriert. Da dieser Link bis zum 27. April 224 -mal aufgerufen wurde, möchte ich die bisherige Angaben nicht einfach entfernen, sondern in der ursprünglichen Fassung stehen lassen und lediglich ordentlich berichtigen.
On April 26 I suddenly got an email from Mohammad Bagheri writing this sentence:
"I was in Isfahan yesterday and I went to Chahār Bāgh School. I checked the main walls and I found that the wall behind the noon marker is in the east-west direction."
Repentinamente, el 26 de abril recibí un email de Mohammad Bagheri que escribía lo siguiente: "Estaba en Isfahán ayer y fui a la escuela de Chahār Bāgh. Comprobé las paredes principales y encontré que la pared detrás del marcador del mediodía está en la dirección Este-Oeste."
© Narges Assarzadegan
© Mohammad Bagheri
© Narges Assarzadegan © Narges Assarzadegan
© Narges Assarzadegan © Narges Assarzadegan
Mit Dank an: The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Arts of Persia, by H. Kevorkian
Holy Shrine of Imam Reza Mashhad
© Mohammad Bagheri
Holy Shrine posted by © Orient Explorer
© Mohammad Bagheri
© Mohammad Bagheri
© Mohammad Bagheri © Mohammad Bagheri
Mit Dank an: The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Arts of Persia, by H. Kevorkian
© Mohammad Bagheri
© Hamzeh Karbasi
© Mohammad Bagheri
© Mohammad Bagheri
© Mohammad Bagheri
Jame Mosque & Souq, Copyright 2008 by Markus Eichenberger
Jame Mosque, Hamedan; Copyright© 2006 Islam IFC
© by HORIZON, Flickr
© Hamzeh Karbasi
© Mohammad Bagheri
© Hamzeh Karbasi
SHAKHES-E ZOHR der Freitagsmoschee in Isfahan
Das Mittagsgebet (zuhr)
Das Mittagsgebet (arabisch: zuhr, türkisch: ögle) beginnt kurz nach dem Zeitpunkt der Kulmination der Sonne, also dem Moment, an dem die Sonne ihren höchsten Stand erreicht. Dieser Moment des wahren Mittags, im Arabischen Zawâl bezeichnet, ist definiert als der Augenblick, in dem der Mittelpunkt der Sonne durch den Zentralmeridian geht. Dies ist regelmäßig der Fall um 12.00 Uhr wahrer Ortszeit (WOZ). Um auf ein gleichmäßiges Zeitmaß, die Mittlere Ortszeit (MOZ) zu kommen, muß man die Zeitgleichung (ZGL) berücksichtigen. Da heute die Erde in Zeitzonen eingeteilt ist, ist gegebenenfalls noch der Unterschied zwischen Ortszeit und Zonenzeit zu berücksichtigen. Der Halbmesser der Sonne beträgt ca. 16 Bogenminuten. Nach islamischen Astronomen soll sich die Sonne bis zum Beginn des zuhr um ein halb bis ein drittel Grad vom Meridian fortbewegt haben, wobei nicht immer ganz klar ist, ob damit der Sonnenmittelpunkt oder der Sonnenrand gemeint ist. Wie dem auch immer sei, demnach würde die Zeit des Mittagsgebetes ca. 3 - 4 Minuten nach Sonnenhöchststand beginnen. Hierfür sprechen auch andere Angaben, nach denen dieser Zeitpunkt dann gekommen sei, wenn der Schatten eines senkrechten Stabes wieder länger zu werden beginnt oder wenn, für den Fall, daß die Sonne im Zenit steht, sich wieder ein Schatten abzuzeichnen beginnt. Allerdings finden sich auch von dem soeben Dargestelltem stark abweichende Meinungen. So heißt es häufig, die Zeit des zuhr sei gekommen, wenn der Schatten eines senkrechten Gegenstandes um ¼ länger ist als sein Schatten zu Mittag. In den Hauptländern des Islam liegt dieser Zeitpunkt ungefähr 1 - 2 Stunden nach Mittag. Ebenfalls zu einer Zeit ca. 2 Stunden nach Mittag führt eine andere Definition, die besagt, der Beginn von zuhr liege genau in der Mitte zwischen dem wahren Mittag (zawâl) und dem Beginn des 'asr. Wieder anders war offensichtlich die Praxis in Indonesien, wo ca 15 bis 30 Minuten nach dem wahren Mittag der Gebetsruf zum Mittagsgebet erscholl. Um die Verwirrung komplett zu machen: In der Umgangssprache wird zuhr gemeinhin mit Mittag gleichgesetzt, und zwar nicht nur mit dem Wahren Mittag sondern auch einfach 12.00 Uhr Zonenzeit.
Bei diesem Rechner können die Kriterien einzelner Länder oder Institutionen ausgewählt werden oder auch eigene Kriterien eingegeben werden.
Die aktuellen Gebetszeiten für den Iran finden Sie hier:
Wiedemann, Eilhard und Josef Frank
Die Gebetszeiten im Islam
Sonderdruck aus: Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medizinischen Sozietät in Erlangen, Bd. 58,
Erlangen 1926
the obligatory salaah, prayer, that is performed in the afternoon right after the sun moves away from it's zenith.
Other Commonly Used Spellings: SALAAT, SALAAH
Salah is an Arabic word to mean a spiritual relationship and communication between the creature and his Creator. Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam. A special communication (Salah) is to take place five times a day for a Muslim: Fajr (Dawn), Zuhr (Noon), 'Asr (Afternoon), Magrib (Sunset), and 'Ishha' (Late Night).
Salah is to be performed with mental concentration, verbal communication, vocal recitation, and physical movement to attain the spiritual uplift, peace, harmony, and concord. There is a congregational prayer on Friday noon (Salatul Jumu'ah) with a sermon (Khutbah) to be delivered by a religious leader (Imam) called Khatib.
To perform Salah, a Muslim has to have ablution (Wudhu'). He/she should make sure that cleanliness of body, clothing, and place are attained before performing Salah. Salah is not to be confused with prayer; the latter could be interpreted as supplication (Du'a).
Quelle: © Muslims Internet Directory and search engine;
Friday mosque, Tim Bradley 1996.
Copyright © Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Ich hoffe sehr, daß sich diese kleine Sammlung in der Zukunft noch erweitern läßt, denn sicherlich gibt es noch mehr Exemplare im großen Iran mit seinen zahlreichen Moscheen als die, die mir zur Zeit zur Verfügung stehen.
Und noch ein freundlicher Hinweis auf fünf ta-dip- Links:
Fatih Moschee
Minarette in Deutschland
Mohammad Bagheri
Frans W. Maes hat auf seiner Webseite
sehr profund über die analemmatische Sonnenuhr von Mohammad Bagheri in Rasht berichtet und darüber hinaus im selben Link Rasht (Gilan province, Iran) einen sehr lesenswerten Exkurs über "The Iranian calendar" mit etlichen Querverweisen angefügt!
7, 8, 9 y 10 de mayo de 2009
Titel meines Vortrags bei der Sonnenuhrentagung in Palma de Mallorca
On May 8th, 2009, I have given a talk about noon markers at Persian mosques at Universitat de les Illes Balears Mallorca! [ ] Nani Morello has kindly translated my talk into Spanish language.
I would like to show the first four pages of my illuminated talk-text-manuscript. Please press HERE !
Adela Morello hat dankenswerterweise ein Manuskript von mir für einen Artikel in der katalanischen Zeitschrift LA BUSCA DE PAPER ins Spanische übersetzt. Hier folgt ein Textausschnitt von Seite 1. Nachfolgend ist der gesamte Beitrag als PDF-Version erhältlich!
HERE you may open the complete article in a PDF-version!
Inspice veteres libros de persicis fanis aut rete electre omnem complectens: Videbis innumerabilis imagines mirificas ut hanc unam mihi a Persico amico Mashallah Ali-Ahyaie novissimo anno missam: Venus osculatura lunam.
This is the preparation for my intended talk on October 17th in Paris at the annual meeting of the French sundial society Comission des cadrans solaires de la Sociétè Astronomique de France. There will also be a six pages article in the book Cadran Info N° 20:
You may have HERE a look at the article in French language by Philippe Sauvageot, president of CCS!
For further information please have a look at:
Photo by Pierre Pineau
Photos from a film by Pierre Pineau
Photo by Gérard Elie
The full illuminated English language manuscript you will find HERE in a PDF document!
André Bouchard wird in der Dezemberausgabe 2009 von LE GNOMONISTE einen schönen vierseitigen Beitrag über meinen Vortrag in Paris veröffentlichen. HIER ist eine Vorabinformation!
André E. Bouchard, Les "marqueurs de midi" par Reinhold R. Kriegler
Der Artikel >Les "marqueurs de midi" par Reinhold R. Kriegler (Bremen)< ist HIER als PDF-Datei abrufbar!
Shakhes-e Zohr of Masjed-e Jame (Jame Mosque) of Kerman
Mohammad Bagheri introduced the very beautiful photos of Jame Mosque of Kerman, taken by Sina Rahimpour to me.
I am extraordinary grateful to Sina Rahimpour to have given the permission to show his photos of the splendid noon marker of Masjed-e Jame (Jame Mosque) of Kerman here in ta-dip!
The capital of Kerman province
A text-source by Ali Reza Parsi
"Masjed-e Jame Kerman city with a height of 1755 m. is located on a high margin of Kavir-e lut (Lut Desert) in the central south of Iran, is the Capital of Kerman Providence. Kerman is counted as one of the oldest cities and its name is derived from the Germaniol race listed by Herodotus, and its construction is attributed to Ardashir I of Sassanid Dynasty (Ardashir-e Babakan) in 3rd century CE.
Kerman was ruled by Turkmans, Arabs and Mongols after the 7th Century CE and was expanded rapidly during the Safavid Dynasty. Carpets and rugs were exported to England and Germany during this period. As it also is a major hand woven carpet production center of the country, and hundreds of small workshops scattered through the city.
Kerman has had a long turbulent history. It was only during the rule of the Qajar Dynasty that security was restored in this city under the Central Government. Kerman has a small Zoroastrian minority. Most of the ancient Kerman was destroyed in a 1794 earthquake.
The distance between this city and Tehran is 1064 kms. and is on Tehran, Bandar Abbas and Zahedan route. Kerman airport is counted as one of the main airports which has daily & weekly flights to Tehran, Ahwaz, Yazd, Esfahan, Bandar Abbas, Mashhad and Shiraz. Also the Trans Iranian Railway passes through this city.
Baghe Shazdeh Kerman city has a moderate and the average annual rainfall is 135 mm. Because it is located close to the Kavir-e lut, Kerman has hot summers and in the spring it often has violent sand storms. Otherwise, its climate is relatively cool.
Masjed-e Jame (Jame Mosque) Masjed-e Jame or Muzaffari is one of the historical monuments of the 14th century CE, famous for its magnificent portal, its mihrab and mosaic-tile decorations, and its historic inscription, which bears the date 1349 CE.
On the western side of the mosque, there is an ivan which originally dates from the times of Ali Muzaffar. It has a wonderful blue faience featuring shades of blue from turquoise to ultramarine, creating a vertical horizon of smooth shimmering tiles.
However, the mosque has been repaired in later periods, including repairs of the main part of its mihrab, carried out in the reign of Shah Abbas II of Safavid Dynasty. The wall of the Mihrab (altar) and the central dome are also decorated with admirable geometric compositions. The altar is open to the public.
The south-western portal of the mosque also belongs to the Safavid period. The minaret and the Muadhin`s cage of the Masjid have been repaired under Karim Khan of Zand Dynasty, and its mihrab is one of the outstanding parts of this monument.
Some essential repairs and decorative and tile works were completed in the year 1940. It is considered to be the most fabulous structure in the city and is located in the main square of "Shohada".
Ganjali Khan Bath Ganjali Khan Ganjali Khan was one of the famous rulers during the reign of Shah Abbas of Safavid. As the ruler of Kerman province he constructed many monuments and buildings.
Ganjali Khan complex is composed of a school, a square, a caravanserai, a public bath, a water reservoir, a mint house, a mosque and a bazaar. A number of inscriptions laid inside the complex indicate the exact date when these places have been built.
Out of Ganjali Khan complex, the Khan public bath located in the grand bazaar of Kerman serves as an anthropology museum today and attracts an increasing number of Iranian and foreign tourists. This is a unique work of architecture with beautiful tile works, paintings, stuccos, and arches.
The bath rendered service no later than 60 years ago. In the closet section and main yard of the bath there are many life-like statues. These statues were designed at Tehran University's faculty of fine arts in 1973 and then transferred to this museum.
This complex has been built during the Safavid era (1501 - 1722 CE) enjoying a modern architectural style of the time. This bath is an association of architecture and application of an array of constructional materials in an appropriate space with totally popular approaches. The architect of the bath and the complex is a master from Yazd city named Mohammad Sultani."
© Sina Rahimpour
© Sina Rahimpour
© Sina Rahimpour
© Sina Rahimpour
© Sina Rahimpour
© Sina Rahimpour
© Sina Rahimpour
In der 64. Ausgabe der Zeitschrift LA BUSCA DE PAPER der Societat Catalana de Gnomònica ist unter dem Titel " Marcadors de migdia" ein Artikel von mir erschienen. Conxita Bou hat die Übersetzung ins Katalanische besorgt, von Nani Morello ist die Übersetzung ins Spanische.
The whole article, including the Spanish translation by Nani Morello is available HERE!
H I E R > Marcadors de Migda
In 2009 this link was visited 845 times!
34 845 0.61%
On January 3rd, 2010 I discovered a beautiful Persian Blog, dealing with my link. I am happy about this fact and hope that many Iranian astronomers will have a look!
Sina Rahimpour has rearranged the ta-dip entry at his Persian Blog "Loot Sky Astronomy House of Kerman"!
Please have a look!
The noon marker of Shah-mosque in Isfahan. Photo © Mohamad Soltonolkottabi
The noon marker of Shah-mosque in Isfahan. Photo © Mohamad Soltonolkottabi
On July 9th, 2012 Mohammad Bagheri has sent three photos of a noon marker at Qutbieh (Khalaja) mosque of Isfahan to me. Unfortunately my internet-research about a mosque with this name brought no result. So here are the photos!
© Reza Monaijemi
© Reza Monaijemi
© Reza Monaijemi